Complete EMR

More than just a pretty app ( Title )

More than just a pretty app

Automate your backoffice and meet meaningful use criteria with a full EMR

Complete Certified EMR

Complete Certified EMR

MDLog's EMR is a Certified EHR (ONC Certification and Costs) containing all the functionality you've come to expect in an EMR application, and is designed to comprehensively meet all meaningful use criteria in ambulatory settings, including clinical decision support, clinical quality measures, secure messaging, real-time measuring of meaningful use, and more.

ONC CERTIFIED HIT® is a registered trademark of HHS.

Anytime, anywhere, any device access

Anytime, anywhere, any device access

Practice wherever you are

MDLog's EMR is a cloud-based application, and is accessible via any web browser, making it both portable and accessible from your preferred choice of device.

Role-Based Access

Role-Based Access

Because you can't do it all

You need to focus on patients. So MDLog takes the onus away from the physician and puts it on the non-medical staff with role-based access, ensuring users have access to only the data and capabilities they are allowed to have.

Deployed in Minutes, not Months

Deployed in Minutes, not Months

Be up and running quickly

The MDLog EMR deployment is completely automated and takes little more than 2 minutes to be fully accessible by you and your practice. You can get started immediately by simply logging in from a web browser.

Safe and Secure

Safe and Secure

All patient and practice information stored with the MDLog EMR is securely stored at and access from our state of the art data center. All data is backed up and available 24/7.

An Affordable Option

An Affordable Option

A cost-effective choice from every angle

With MDLog's EMR, there are no deployment costs, no management fees, no IT resources needed to get it (and keep it running). Instead, MDLog's EMR uses the same simple monthly pricing as the MDLog clinical documentation app.

Simple. Efficient. Affordable.

Simple. Efficient. Affordable.

Get up and running quickly, risk free

MDLog uses a simple flat monthly fee with no upfront costs and no contracts.

You can be up and running using MDLog in less than 5 minutes.

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